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Chapter 7
Character Display Routines
126 Fastgraph User's Guide
An important part of any program is the capability to display text or
other characters on the screen. Fastgraph supports two character sets: the
hardware or BIOS character set available with each video mode, and Fastgraph's
own software character set for graphics video modes. Fastgraph/Light does not
support the software character set.
We'll begin this chapter with a review of character space, and then
discuss the specifics about hardware and software characters. At the end of
the chapter, we'll briefly explain how to implement bitmapped characters into
a program. To simplify matters, the example programs presented in this chapter
are mode-specific examples, and no testing is done to check if the video mode
is available on the user's system.
Character Space
The coordinate system used for displaying hardware characters is called
character space. It is the only coordinate system available in text video
modes, but it is a supplementary coordinate system you can use with either
screen space or world space in graphics video modes. Character space can be
thought of as a grid of rows and columns, with each cell in the grid holding
one character. Each cell is identified by its unique (row,column) integer
coordinates. The rows and columns are numbered starting at zero; the origin is
always the upper left corner of the screen. For example, in the 80-column by
25-row video modes, the (row,column) coordinates of the screen corners are
shown in the following diagram.
(0,0) (0,79)
(24,0) (24,79)
The default number of rows and columns depends on the video mode, as shown in
the following table. For graphics modes, the table also includes the default
width and height in pixels of a character cell.
Mode No. of No. of Char. Char.
Number Columns Rows WidthHeight
0 40 25
1 40 25
2 80 25
3 80 25
4 40 25 8 8
5 40 25 8 8
6 80 25 8 8
7 80 25
9 40 25 8 8
11 80 25 9 14
12 40 25 8 8
Chapter 7: Character Display Routines 127
13 40 25 8 8
14 80 25 8 8
15 80 25 8 14
16 80 25 8 14
17 80 30 8 16
18 80 30 8 16
19 40 25 8 8
20 40 25 8 8
21 40 50 8 8
22 40 30 8 8
23 40 60 8 8
24 80 25 8 16
25 80 30 8 16
26 100 37 8 16
27 128 48 8 16
28 100 37 8 16
29 128 48 8 16
Hardware Characters
Hardware characters are available in all supported video modes. As
explained in Chapter 5, text mode characters have a display attribute that
defines their foreground color, their background color, and whether or not
they blink. Graphics mode characters appear in a single color, as determined
by the current color index. Chapter 5 also explained how Fastgraph's
fg_setattr and fg_setcolor routines define the attribute or color index in
which subsequent hardware characters appear.
It is obviously important to define the color or attribute for hardware
characters, but it is equally important to define their location on the
screen. Fastgraph draws hardware characters at the position defined by the
text cursor. Like the graphics cursor, the text cursor is not a cursor in the
true sense, but is simply a pair of character space (row,column) coordinates
with a special meaning. The fg_setmode routine sets the text cursor position
to the character space coordinates (0,0), which of course is the upper left
corner of the screen.2
The Fastgraph routine fg_locate changes the text cursor position. It has
two integer arguments that specify the (row,column) character space
coordinates of the new position. The row values must be between 0 and one less
than the number of character rows available. The column values must be between
0 and one less than the number of character columns available.
The fg_text routine is Fastgraph's basic character display routine. It
displays a string of hardware characters, starting at the text cursor
position, using the current color attribute (for text modes) or color index
(for graphics modes). If the string reaches the last column in a row, fg_text
will wrap the string to the first column of the next row. Additionally,
fg_text leaves the cursor one column to the right of the last character
displayed (or the first column of the next row if the last character appears
(2) In reality there are eight text cursors, one for each video page. The
fg_setmode routine initializes each text cursor position to (0,0). The next
chapter describes this in more detail.
128 Fastgraph User's Guide
at the end of a row). This feature makes it possible for successive calls to
fg_text to display adjacent strings. The first argument for the fg_text
routine is a character string of arbitrary length, and the second argument is
an integer value that specifies the number of characters to display from that
Example 7-1 illustrates the use of fg_locate and fg_text in the 80x25
color text mode (mode 3). After establishing the video mode and making the
BIOS cursor invisible, the program displays four strings with different
attributes. The attributes are selected using fg_setattr, and the strings are
displayed by fg_text. The first string appears in yellow (attributes 14,0,0)
in the upper left corner of the screen; fg_locate is not necessary because
(0,0) is the default text cursor position established by fg_setmode. The
second string appears in light green (10,0,0) one space to the right of the
first string. Its position relies on the fact fg_text leaves the text cursor
positioned one space to the right of the last character displayed (following
the "w" of "yellow" in this case). The leading space in " green" leaves a
space between the first and second strings. Similarly, the third string
appears in blinking light red (12,0,1) one space to the right of the second
The program then uses fg_locate to move the text cursor to the lower left
corner of the screen and displays the "Press any key" string. This string is
displayed with a light red foreground against a gray background (12,7,0). The
extra spaces surrounding the string extend the background color one character
position to the left and right and make the string more visually appealing.
Finally, once you press any key, the program restores the original video mode
and screen attributes before returning to DOS.
Example 7-1.
#include <fastgraf.h>
void main(void);
void main()
int old_mode;
old_mode = fg_getmode();
fg_text(" green",6);
fg_text(" blinking",9);
fg_text(" Press any key. ",16);
Chapter 7: Character Display Routines 129
The fg_where routine retrieves the text cursor position in its two
integer arguments. This routine is not used as frequently as fg_locate and
fg_text because more often than not your program will know the text cursor
position implicitly, or you'll know in advance the locations at which text
will be displayed. The fg_where routine takes two integer arguments passed by
reference, and these two arguments respectively receive the text cursor's
current row and column position.
Example 7-2 produces the same results as example 7-1, but it does so a
bit differently. It uses its own routine, put_string, to display a string at a
specified row and column. The put_string routine simply calls fg_locate to
establish the text cursor position and then calls fg_text to display the
string. Note the use of the C library function strlen to determine the string
length passed to fg_text. Example 7-2 also uses fg_where to retrieve the new
text cursor positions, which are then passed to put_string.
Example 7-2.
#include <fastgraf.h>
#include <string.h>
void main(void);
void put_string(char*,int,int);
void main()
int old_mode;
int row, column;
old_mode = fg_getmode();
put_string(" Press any key. ",24,0);
130 Fastgraph User's Guide
void put_string(string,row,column)
char *string;
int row, column;
Sometimes you may wish to change the display attribute of existing text,
such as when creating a shadow around the edges of a pop-up window. The
Fastgraph routine fg_chgattr performs this function. It applies the current
text display attribute (as defined in the most recent call to fg_setattr or
fg_setcolor) to a given number of characters, starting at the text cursor
position. It leaves the text cursor one column to the right of the last
character changed (or the first column of the next row if the last character
is at the end of a row). The fg_chgattr routine's argument specifies the
number of characters to change. This routine has no effect in graphics video
The Fastgraph routine fg_chgtext performs somewhat the opposite function
of fg_chgattr. It displays new text but uses the display attributes already
assigned to the character cells where the text will appear. The fg_chgtext
routine takes the same two arguments as fg_text, displays the characters
starting at the text cursor position, and leaves the cursor one column to the
right of the last character displayed. Like fg_chgattr, fg_chgtext has no
effect in graphics video modes.
Example 7-3 illustrates the fg_chgattr and fg_chgtext routines. It runs
in the 80-column color text mode (mode 3), but if we change the fg_setmode
argument it also would run in the monochrome text mode (mode 7). The program
first displays the word "hello" in the upper left corner of the screen, using
a gray foreground and black background attribute. After waiting for a
keystroke, the program calls fg_chgattr to make the word "hello" appear in
reverse video (that is, a black foreground and gray background attribute).
After a second keystroke, the program uses fg_chgtext to change the "h" of
"hello" to upper case. Following this, the program returns to DOS.
Example 7-3.
#include <fastgraf.h>
void main(void);
void main()
int old_mode;
old_mode = fg_getmode();
Chapter 7: Character Display Routines 131
You also can retrieve the character or attribute stored in a specific
character cell. The Fastgraph routine fg_getchar retrieves character values,
while fg_getattr retrieves character attributes. Both routines have two
integer arguments that specify the (row,column) coordinates for the character
cell of interest. Example 7-4 uses fg_getchar and fg_getattr to read the
character and attribute stored at row 24, column 0. Just before the program
exits, it displays these values.
Example 7-4.
#include <fastgraf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void main(void);
void main()
int attr, value;
int old_mode;
old_mode = fg_getmode();
value = fg_getchar(24,0);
attr = fg_getattr(24,0);
printf("%c %2.2X\n",value,attr);
If you need to retrieve characters and attributes from a rectangular
area, it's more efficient to use the fg_getimage routine (described in Chapter
10) than to call fg_getchar and fg_getattr repeatedly.
132 Fastgraph User's Guide
Displaying hardware characters in graphics video modes is different from
doing so in text modes. Like text modes, we can still use fg_text to display
strings in character space, which of course restricts the places where strings
can appear. Graphics modes offer the ability to display strings relative to
any pixel, not just character cells. The fg_print and fg_justify routines are
provided for this purpose. To compare the two methods of displaying strings in
graphics modes, let's begin with an example of doing so with fg_text.
Example 7-5 is similar to example 7-1, but it runs in the EGA enhanced
graphics mode (mode 16) instead of a text mode. In graphics modes, fg_cursor
has no effect, so we have omitted it from the program. Furthermore, characters
cannot be displayed with a blinking attribute, so we have omitted the blinking
characters (we could simulate blinking by repetitively displaying and erasing
them, but that is beyond the scope of this example). Because graphics mode
characters only have a foreground color, we had to simulate the gray
background of the "Press any key" string by first drawing a rectangle where
that string appears. The differences between examples 7-5 and 7-1 hold for any
graphics video mode, not just mode 16.
Example 7-5.
#include <fastgraf.h>
void main(void);
void main()
int old_mode;
old_mode = fg_getmode();
fg_text(" green",6);
fg_text(" Press any key. ",16);
Now let's show how to display graphics mode strings using the more
flexible screen space coordinate system. The fg_print routine is identical to
fg_text, but it displays a string relative to the graphics cursor position
(that is, in screen space) rather than the character space position
established with fg_locate. By default, fg_print displays strings so their
Chapter 7: Character Display Routines 133
lower left corner is at the graphics cursor position. The fg_justify routine
lets you change this default justification. Its two parameters, xjust and
yjust, control the string positioning about the current graphics position, as
summarized in the following table:
value of value of horizontal vertical
xjust yjust justification justification
-1 -1 left lower
-1 0 left center
-1 1 left upper
0 -1 center lower
0 0 center center
0 1 center upper
1 -1 right lower
1 0 right center
1 1 right upper
Any other justification values produce undefined results. In the context of
vertical justification, lower justification means the bottom of each character
will be at the current graphics y position. Upper justification means the top
of each character will be at the graphics y position, while center
justification means characters will be centered about the graphics y position.
The default justification settings (established by fg_setmode) are xjust = -1
and yjust = -1, and you can retrieve the current justification settings with
Fastgraph's fg_getxjust and fg_getyjust functions. Like fg_text, fg_print
leaves the graphics cursor positioned just beyond the bottom right corner of
the last character displayed.
Neither fg_print nor fg_text performs clipping. There may be times,
however, when displaying clipped strings is desirable, such as when displaying
text inside a fixed window. When clipping is needed, use fg_printc or fg_textc
for displaying strings. These two routines are identical in all respects to
fg_print and fg_text, but they do not display characters lying outside the
clipping region established by fg_setclip or fg_setclipw. Further, if part of
a character is outside the clipping region, fg_printc and fg_textc display
only that part of the character that falls within the clipping region. Because
clipping is supported only in graphics video modes, fg_textc is equivalent to
fg_text when used in text video modes.
Example 7-6 illustrates the use of fg_print and fg_justify to display
justified text in the VGA 640x480 16-color graphics mode (mode 18). The first
series of calls to fg_move, fg_justify, and fg_print display the string
"Fastgraph" left justified, centered, and right justified against the top row
of the screen. The second series of such calls also displays the string in
these positions, but each is centered vertically in the middle of the screen.
The final series displays the strings against the bottom row of the screen.
The nine calls to fg_justify in example 7-6 represent all possible
justification settings for strings displayed with fg_print.
Example 7-6.
#include <fastgraf.h>
void main(void);
void main()
134 Fastgraph User's Guide
int old_mode;
old_mode = fg_getmode();
Example 7-7 demonstrates a side effect that occurs when displaying
characters in graphics modes. This example uses the MCGA graphics mode (mode
19) and displays two character strings at the same location. If we were to do
this in a text mode, the first string would disappear once we displayed the
second string (assuming the second string isn't shorter than the first). In
graphics modes, however, the portions of the first string not covered by
characters from the second string are still visible. The reason for this may
not be clear at first, but remember when we display characters in graphics
modes, we aren't really displaying characters but merely a pixel
representation of the characters. Fastgraph has no way to distinguish such
Chapter 7: Character Display Routines 135
pixels from any other pixels, no matter what routine we use for string
Example 7-7.
#include <fastgraf.h>
void main(void);
void main()
int old_mode;
old_mode = fg_getmode();
fg_text(" green",6);
To avoid this problem, the recommended procedure for displaying
characters in graphics modes is to first erase the area where the text will
appear. The easiest way to do this is to use fg_rect to draw a rectangle in
the background color. In example 7-7, we could do this by inserting the
immediately before the call to fg_locate. The parameters passed to the fg_rect
routine represent the 48 by 8 pixel region that corresponds to the first six
character cells of row 0 in the 320x200 graphics modes.
Character Height
In VGA and SVGA graphics modes (modes 17 to 29), it's possible to change
the height of characters displayed with fg_print, fg_printc, fg_text, and
fg_textc. By default, characters are 16 pixels high in the VGA and SVGA
graphics modes (17, 18, 24 to 29) and 8 pixels high in the MCGA and XVGA
graphics modes (19 to 23). The fg_fontsize routine lets you display characters
from the BIOS 8x8, 8x14, or 8x16 fonts in any of these modes. Its only
parameter specifies the character height in pixels; it must be 8, 14, or 16.
If the character height is some other value, or if fg_fontsize is used in a
video mode numbered 16 or less (that is, in a non-VGA mode), nothing happens.
136 Fastgraph User's Guide
When we change the character height with fg_fontsize, the number of text
rows on the screen changes accordingly. The following table shows the number
of text rows available in each supported video mode when using the different
character sizes. The values in boldface represent the default character size
and number of rows for that video mode.
Mode No. of rows with
Number 8x8 8x14 8x16
17 60 34 30
18 60 34 30
19 25 14 12
20 25 14 12
21 50 28 25
22 30 17 15
23 60 34 30
24 50 28 25
25 60 34 30
26 75 42 37
27 96 54 48
28 75 42 37
29 96 54 48
Example 7-8 shows how to use fg_fontsize to activate the 8x8 character
font in the 16-color 640x480 VGA graphics mode (mode 18). In this mode,
characters are normally 16 pixels high, giving 30 character rows per screen.
When we use the 8x8 font, this increases to 60 rows because the characters are
now half as tall as before. The example program uses fg_text to display the
string "8x8 ROM font" 60 times, once in each row.
Example 7-8.
#include <fastgraf.h>
void main(void);
void main()
int old_mode;
int row;
old_mode = fg_getmode();
for (row = 0; row < 60; row++) {
fg_text("8x8 ROM font",12);
Chapter 7: Character Display Routines 137
Conversion Routines
In Chapter 4 we introduced Fastgraph's routines for converting
coordinates between character space and screen space. In this section we'll
review these routines and then present an example that uses some of them.
The fg_xalpha and fg_yalpha routines convert screen space coordinates to
character space. The fg_xalpha routine converts a screen space x coordinate to
the character space column that contains the coordinate. Similarly, fg_yalpha
converts a screen space y coordinate to the character space row that contains
the coordinate.
The fg_xconvert and fg_yconvert routines convert character space
coordinates to screen space. The fg_xconvert routine converts a character
space column to the screen space coordinate of its leftmost pixel. Similarly,
fg_yconvert converts a character space row to the screen space coordinate of
its top (lowest-numbered) pixel.
Example 7-5 demonstrated how to display characters in a graphics mode.
Because characters do not have a background color in graphics modes, that
example used fg_rect to simulate a background color by drawing a gray
rectangle before displaying the text. It was necessary to determine the screen
coordinates of the character cells so we could pass the correct parameters to
fg_rect. By using fg_xconvert and fg_yconvert, we can let Fastgraph calculate
the required screen coordinates. This method has the additional benefit of
working in any graphics mode, while the coordinates passed to fg_rect in
example 7-5 would only work properly in a 640x350 graphics mode. Example 7-9
shows how we could extend example 7-5 using fg_xconvert and fg_yconvert.
Example 7-9.
#include <fastgraf.h>
void main(void);
void main()
int old_mode;
int minx, maxx, miny, maxy;
fg_old_mode = fg_getmode();
fg_text(" green",6);
minx = fg_xconvert(0);
138 Fastgraph User's Guide
maxx = fg_xconvert(16) - 1;
miny = fg_yconvert(24);
maxy = fg_yconvert(25) - 1;
fg_text(" Press any key. ",16);
Software Characters
Software characters, also called stroke characters or vector characters
in other literature, are only are available in graphics video modes. Unlike
the fixed-size hardware characters, you can display software characters in any
size, at any angle, and at any position. In addition, software characters are
proportionally spaced. However, software characters take longer to draw than
hardware characters do.
Fastgraph includes two software character fonts, called the primary font
and the alternate font. The primary font contains upper and lower case
letters, numbers, punctuation, and most other printable ASCII characters. The
alternate font contains upper and lower case Greek letters and other
mathematical and scientific symbols.
The Fastgraph routine fg_swchar displays a string of software characters
in the current color index (as defined by the most recent call to
fg_setcolor). The string may contain any characters from the primary font, the
alternate font, or both. You can display the characters left justified,
centered, or right justified relative to the graphics cursor position. Just as
fg_text updates the text cursor position, fg_swchar sets the graphics cursor
position just to the right of the last character drawn. The characters are
clipped according to the current clipping region. In addition to the
characters, the string passed to fg_swchar also may contain operators for
switching fonts, underlining, subscripting, or superscripting characters.
Because fg_swchar internally uses world space coordinates, you must call the
fg_initw routine at some point in your program before the first call to
fg_swchar. You also must establish a world space coordinate system with the
fg_setworld routine.
The fg_swchar routine has three arguments. The first argument is the
character string to display. The second argument is an integer value that
specifies the number of characters in the string, including any characters
used as special operators. The third argument is an integer value that
determines the position of the string relative to the graphics cursor
position. If this value is negative, the lower left corner of the first
character will be at the graphics cursor position. If it is positive, the
lower right corner of the last character will be at the graphics cursor
position. If it is zero, the string will be horizontally centered at the
graphics cursor position.
Chapter 7: Character Display Routines 139
The size of software characters is determined by the values passed to
fg_setsize, fg_setsizew, and fg_setratio. The fg_setsize routine has a single
integer argument that defines the height of software characters in screen
space units, while fg_setsizew has a single floating point argument that
defines the height in world space units. If neither of these routines is
called, Fastgraph will use its default character height of one world space
unit. The fg_setratio routine has a single floating point argument that
defines the aspect ratio for software characters. The aspect ratio is the
ratio of character width to character height. For example, an aspect ratio of
2.0 means characters are twice as wide as they are high. If fg_setratio is not
called, Fastgraph uses its default aspect ratio of 1.
Example 7-10 displays all characters in both software character fonts.
The program uses the enhanced EGA graphics mode (mode 16), but it could run in
any graphics mode by changing the fg_setmode argument. After establishing the
video mode, the program calls fg_initw to initialize Fastgraph's world space
parameters; this is required since the software character drawing routines
internally use world space coordinates. The next statement is a call to
fg_setworld that establishes a world space coordinate system with 0.01 world
space units per pixel. Following this is a call to fg_setsizew that defines
the character height as 0.21 world space units, or 21 pixels. Note we could
have instead used fg_setsize here with an integer argument of 21.
The next part of the program draws the characters in the primary font on
the upper half of the screen. After doing this, the program draws the
alternate font characters on the lower half. In each case it does this with
fg_swchar. By default, the string passed to fg_swchar will produce characters
from the primary font. However, you can insert a back slash character (\) in
the string to toggle between the two fonts. Don't forget C and C++ apply a
special meaning to the back slash character within strings, so you must use
two consecutive back slashes to insert a single back slash in the string.
Example 7-10.
#include <fastgraf.h>
void main(void);
void main()
int old_mode;
old_mode = fg_getmode();
fg_text("Software characters - font 1",28);
140 Fastgraph User's Guide
fg_text("Software characters - font 2",28);
If you compare the primary font strings with the alternate font strings,
you'll see the alternate font contains fewer characters. For example, the
letters Q and V (either upper or lower case) have no corresponding character
in the alternate font. You might have also noticed the primary font does not
support the full printable ASCII character set. Any character in a string
passed to fg_swchar that does not have a corresponding character in the
current font will display a blank character.
In addition to the font change operator (the back slash character),
fg_swchar recognizes three other operators. The superscript operator is a back
slash followed by a caret (\^). It causes the next character to appear as a
superscript. Similarly, the subscript operator is a back slash followed by a
lower case v (\v); it causes the next character to appear as a subscript. The
size of superscripted and subscripted characters is one half the height of the
other characters. The underline operator is the underscore character (_). It
causes all subsequent characters in the string to be underlined until another
underscore character is found, or until the end of the string. When using
these operators, be sure to include them as part of the string length count
passed to fg_swchar.
Example 7-11 illustrates the use of the font selection, superscript,
subscript, and underline operators with fg_swchar. Again, because the back
slash character has a special meaning in C and C++, we must use two
consecutive back slashes to represent a single back slash within the string.
The program displays four strings:
cos2 + sin2 = 1
One word is underlined.
Chapter 7: Character Display Routines 141
The theta symbol in the first string is produced by displaying the character
"h" in the alternate font. Note another font selection operator (\) appears
immediately after the "h" to revert to the primary font. The first string also
includes superscript operators (\^) to display the exponents in the equation.
The second string includes a single subscripted character, while the third
string shows how to display three consecutive subscripted characters. Finally,
the fourth string illustrates how to underline characters.
Note example 7-11 also uses fg_setratio. The first three strings are
drawn with an aspect ratio of 2, making them twice as wide as they are high.
The fourth string is drawn with an aspect ratio of 1 (Fastgraph's default
aspect ratio for software characters), so the character height is the same as
the character width. Also, the strings are centered instead of left justified
as in the previous example.
Example 7-11.
#include <fastgraf.h>
void main(void);
void main()
int old_mode;
old_mode = fg_getmode();
fg_swchar("cos\\^2\\h\\ + sin\\^2\\h\\ = 1",25,0);
fg_swchar("H\\v2O U\\v2\\v3\\v2",18,0);
fg_swchar("One _word_ is underlined.",25,0);
The fg_setangle routine defines the angle of rotation at which software
characters are displayed. Its only argument is a floating point value that
specifies the angle, measured in degrees counterclockwise from the positive x
axis. If a program draws software characters before calling fg_setangle,
Fastgraph will use its default angle of zero degrees (that is, the characters
will be oriented horizontally).
142 Fastgraph User's Guide
In most programs, the alternate font is not needed. However, if you use
the fg_swchar routine, Fastgraph will include the definitions of these
characters in your program's data segment. To prevent wasting this space,
Fastgraph includes the fg_swtext routine. The fg_swtext routine is same as
fg_swchar, except it does not include the alternate font. Since the font
selection operator does not apply when using fg_swtext, the routine simply
ignores it. You should only use fg_swtext if do not use fg_swchar. If you use
both routines, your program will still work correctly, but its data segment
will contain an extra copy of the primary font definitions.
Example 7-12 demonstrates the use of fg_setangle and fg_swtext. The
program draws a series of strings of the form "nnn degrees", where nnn is a
multiple of 15, radiating from the screen center. Each string appears at the
specified angle. For example, the string "15 degrees" is drawn at an angle of
15 degrees.
Example 7-12.
#include <fastgraf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void main(void);
void main()
char string[24];
int angle;
int old_mode;
old_mode = fg_getmode();
for (angle = 0; angle < 360; angle += 15) {
sprintf(string," %3d degrees",angle);
The final routine pertaining to software characters is fg_swlength, which
returns the length of a specified string of software characters in world space
units. The length is returned as the routine's floating point function value.
The fg_swlength routine has two arguments -- a string of software characters,
and an integer value specifying the number of characters in the string. As
with fg_swchar and fg_swtext, the count includes any of the special operator
Chapter 7: Character Display Routines 143
Example 7-13 demonstrates a typical use of the fg_swlength routine. The
program displays the string "hello there." in light green against a gray
background in the middle of the screen. As in our previous software character
examples, the program uses mode 16 and first performs the necessary
initializations to use software characters. Following this, the program uses
fg_swlength to compute the length in world space units of the string. Note we
have added blank characters to each end of the string passed to fg_swlength;
this increases the length of the actual string and will effectively give the
gray rectangle an extended border on its left and right sides. The string
length returned by fg_swlength is multiplied by 0.5, giving the distance from
the middle of the screen to either side of the rectangle. The program then
uses this value to compute the minimum and maximum x coordinates passed to
fg_rectw. After drawing the gray rectangle, the program uses fg_swtext to draw
the string of software characters in the middle of the screen. It then waits
for a keystroke before restoring the original video mode and screen attributes
and returning to DOS.
Example 7-13.
#include <fastgraf.h>
void main(void);
void main()
int old_mode;
double half;
old_mode = fg_getmode();
half = fg_swlength(" Hello there. ",14) * 0.5;
fg_swtext("Hello there.",12,0);
Bitmapped Characters
Bitmapped characters combine the properties of hardware and software
characters. Like hardware characters, they are a fixed size, but they are
almost always more visually appealing. Because they are not scalable, they do
144 Fastgraph User's Guide
not require floating point arithmetic, and therefore they are much faster than
software characters.
Fastgraph makes no special provision for bitmapped characters because it
treats them as if they were any other bitmapped image. For example, to use a
five-pixel by five-pixel bitmapped font, you can construct characters as shown
here and then store these representations in an image array.
* * * * * * * * *
* * * * *
* * * * * * * * * *
* * * * *
* * * * * * * * * *
The image display routines fg_drawmap and fg_drwimage, discussed in Chapter
10, could then be used to display specific characters from the image array.
Also, the Fastgraph/Fonts add-on product greatly simplifies adding bitmapped
font support to Fastgraph applications.
Summary of Character Display Routines
This section summarizes the functional descriptions of the Fastgraph
routines presented in this chapter. More detailed information about these
routines, including their arguments and return values, may be found in the
Fastgraph Reference Manual.
FG_CHGATTR applies the current text display attribute to a given number
of characters, starting at the text cursor position. This routine leaves the
text cursor one column to the right of the last character changed (or the
first column of the next row if the last character is at the end of a row). It
has no effect in graphics video modes.
FG_CHGTEXT displays a string of hardware characters, starting at the text
cursor position, using the existing text display attributes. This routine
leaves the text cursor one column to the right of the last character displayed
(or the first column of the next row if the last character is at the end of a
row). It has no effect in graphics video modes.
FG_FONTSIZE enables the 8x8, 8x14, or 8x16 ROM BIOS character font for
strings displayed with fg_print and fg_text. This routine is meaningful only
in VGA and SVGA graphics video modes.
FG_GETATTR returns the character attribute stored at the specified
position on the active video page. It has no effect in graphics video modes.
FG_GETCHAR returns the character value stored at the specified position
on the active video page. It has no effect in graphics video modes.
FG_GETXJUST returns the current horizontal justification setting for
strings displayed with fg_print or fg_printc.
FG_GETYJUST returns the current vertical justification setting for
strings displayed with fg_print or fg_printc.
Chapter 7: Character Display Routines 145
FG_JUSTIFY defines the horizontal and vertical justification settings for
strings displayed with fg_print or fg_printc.
FG_LOCATE establishes the text cursor position for the active video page.
FG_PRINT displays a string of hardware characters, relative to the
graphics cursor position, using the current color index. By default, strings
are displayed such that the bottom row of the first character is at the
current graphics position. On return, the graphics cursor is positioned just
to the right of the last character displayed.
FG_PRINTC is a version of fg_print that performs clipping.
FG_SETANGLE defines the angle or orientation at which software characters
are displayed. The angle is measured in degrees counterclockwise from the
positive x axis.
FG_SETATTR establishes the current text display attribute in text video
modes. This routine has no effect in graphics video modes.
FG_SETCOLOR establishes the current color index (which may be a virtual
color index in graphics modes). In text modes, the fg_setcolor routine
provides an alternate method of establishing the current text display
FG_SETRATIO defines the aspect ratio for software characters. The aspect
ratio is the ratio of character width to character height.
FG_SETSIZE defines the height of software characters in screen space
FG_SETSIZEW defines the height of software characters in world space
FG_SWCHAR displays a string of software characters using the current
color index. The string may be left justified, centered, or right justified
relative to the graphics cursor position. The string passed to fg_swchar may
contain special operators that allow switching between fonts, underlining,
superscripting, or subscripting. This routine has no effect in text video
FG_SWLENGTH returns the length in world space units of a string of
software characters.
FG_SWTEXT is a scaled down version of the fg_swchar routine. It does not
include the alternate font character definitions and thus requires less memory
than fg_swchar.
FG_TEXT displays a string of hardware characters, starting at the text
cursor position, using the current color attribute (for text modes) or color
index (for graphics modes). This routine leaves the text cursor one column to
the right of the last character displayed (or the first column of the next row
if the last character is at the end of a row).
FG_TEXTC is a version of fg_text that performs clipping when run in
graphics video modes. In text modes, fg_textc is equivalent to fg_text.
146 Fastgraph User's Guide
FG_WHERE retrieves the row and column numbers of the text cursor
FG_XALPHA and FG_YALPHA convert screen space coordinates to character
FG_XCONVERT and FG_YCONVERT convert character space coordinates to screen